Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Revised name and date

name and date

Our assignment was to create a piece using one hue, and black and white and our birth date, and name.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Tshirt design

In my graphic design class we had to come up with t-shirt slogans and designs. I'm an extremely logical thinker. I always tend to think with my head and never follow my heart. To some, that's a negative quality, but I've found in some situations, it's pretty helpful. That's how this T-shirt came to be.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Arrow project

We were assigned to make 24 different types of arrows, this being my second post of this project. I tried to use the arrows to create two bigger arrows, but its harder to see the bigger picture in the smaller ones. Hopefully you like it.

Typography R's

Ifriday- Pattern

For this weeks Ifriday I chose to use DNA, because everything has some type of genetic pattern. Were learning about it in Bio right now, so I thought I'd put it in use for the Ifriday this week. I tried to recreate the double helix, but in a different way.